Thursday, December 25, 2014


“Christmas gives us the opportunity to pause and reflect on the important things around us -- a time when we can look back on the year that has passed and prepare for the year ahead.” -- David Cameron
The quote reminds me about all God's doing the past months in 2014. He has been very generous! He always been. I've been thinking a lot before I decided to post my reflection on my blog. I used to post the recap of each year on my blog every year, but maybe not this time. Because there are somethings that I didn't remembered and it's boring. isn't it? Not much story that are attractive to be written though. But! I feel grateful for that still! 

Here are my thoughts about Christmas and 2014 overall:

1.  Family is an important thing to have in life
For around 2 years, my mom cut off her connection with her brothers and sisters. She only talks to few of them or to her sister or brother in law. She even do not talk with her father for sometime. At first, I thought it was nothing. I believe that she can enjoy her life without or with them. But then, this year was the start of all, they began to connected with one of another. God has heard my prayers for sometime. My mom laughed more often this day, she is much better this year. Now, I believe that even your life is good enough, but without family you are nothing. Start loving your family! I always fight with my brother, but I don't really bother to fight back, so he will not continue the fight. It's my way to not fight, even I was angry with him. He is just too annoying and selfish. Btw, he will be gone for Australia next month, and hopefully I'll miss him. 

2. Money isn't everything
Well, believe it or not, I learned that money isn't everything. Yes, you can buy almost everything with money. But it doesn't always makes you happy. Happiness couldn't be bought with money. I know it is a cliche sentence ever said in the world, but it's true! My family suffer some economic issue. My parents almost cannot pay their credit card bills every month. But, she get helps from her family and she began to go to church. And God gave us much more blessing than we ever ask. God is everything, money isn't everything. "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you"-- Matthew 6:33 (KJV). 

3. Something too much is not good
Probably this is the best advice I could tell to you. Well, everything has a limit, so if it is too much is not good. Medicine is good to cure your sickness, but when it is too much, you may suffer more pain. It also applies to good deeds. Good deeds are the best thing people can do. But it can make others uncomfortable and hurt. You do good deeds for one person or group only, you can make your family feel abandoned or you can make the person you help didn't become independent. So, do not think too much; don't eat too much-- even it's a healthy food; don't love too much; don't talk too much; don't act too much; and many other things. Everything was created for good purpose, but when it's too much it can bring a disaster.

4. Good YOLO kind of life
It is true that you only live once. But many people mistaken this slogan or motto or whatsoever. My friends like to post YOLO on their social media, but what they do wasn't a good thing. Ironically, what they did was just wasting their time, their life. So, I realized that "DO THE BEST IN EVERYTHING YOU DO" is the purpose of YOLO. You only live once, so do the best. Time is the most cruel thing ever. You can never turn back the time, you can't ask God to add your time. All is in His hand, so do the best, don't waste your time. Start to plan what you are going to do in your future, how you are going to live your life. 

5. Be a long-life learner
Last but not least, NEVER STOP LEARNING! Learning in every possible way. Learn how to fix things, learn new languages, learn to do you find interesting, learn everything. When I got into the university, there are a lot of things I need to learn to survive in the university. Survive in the free world is much more worse, so I decided to never stop learning. I've taken English lesson since I was small, but until I went to university, I was still learning it. Even in the university, I needed so much. My English are still not excellent, even I rarely got 100 on my English test, so I still take English classes to make it more good. Never satisfy with what you achieve more. Challenge yourself to learn more things, to achieve more things! Good luck!

So, that are some thoughts I wanted to share with you in this special edition post! Let me know if it helps you! I just wanna say:
Have jolly one. God bless you!
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