Tuesday, August 06, 2013


I'm going to post about my experience being a 12th grader! :D
It's been a long time, I didn't talk about my school life. Haha.

Well, being a 12th grade student was not easy. AT ALL! But, yeah, it kinda fun though. You can act whatever you like. You can be ignorant, unattentive, playing at class, whatever you want. At least, in my school. Indonesian school not used to be so free in class, but I don't know why my school became so free.

So, basically, every 12th graders in the world must join an exam to graduate from high school. Indonesia is no exception. We had to face National Exam or we call it Ujian Nasional a.k.a UN. We were tested based on our major. For me, I'm taking Science. So, the studies I will be tested were Physics (err), Biology, Chemistry. Both science and social class are going to face Bahasa Indonesia, English, and Math test. In total, there are 6 subjects to be tested. 

It was a roller-coaster ride. I have to study all materials from the 10th grade until 12th grade. It was depressing. Especially, Biology. Usually, I can memorize the materials easily, but after a few month, the materials I memorized were gone. Puff! So, biology taking up so much space in my brain. Haha. Physics also troublesome. Seriously, I hate physics. I got a very low score for physics. Even, I got higher score for math. Well, honestly, I don't have a good relationship with numbers~~

Also, it's the time to chose university major!! AAAA. I'm very confused what should I take for my uni life. Research. research and research. Asking my friends and family. But, I'm still don't know aht should I take. :( So, I ended up taking Management class and tried the scholarship...... yea. I didn't got it. HAHA. Oh... By the way, I'm entering UPH a.k.a Universitas Pelita Harapan. In Tangerang, exactly in Lippo Karawaci. I'm going to experience my 13th year in Pelita Harapan Foundation this year! Yikes! I'm such a loyal student to this foundation.... 

After those roller-coaster ride, I finally face the exam. Then, I'm having a graduation! Also, we had a prom night party (will update soon). I'm going to share some of my grads photo on this post! :D

Thanks for reading my blabbing about my school life! 
(I was too bored, so I blab on my blog... Sorry! :p)

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