Sunday, December 20, 2020


“Everything seems to be its’ place, while it isn’t”

August is the month of celebration for some countries. According to the list on Wikipedia, there are around 20 countries that celebrate Independence Day in August, such as South Korea, Singapore, India, and Indonesia. I celebrate my birthday this month and I truly agree that August is the month of celebration (P.S: I share my birthday with Singapore National Day lol).

Just like any other holidays in 2020, because of the pandemic this year Independence Day is not as vibrant, exciting as before. In Indonesia, we usually held a competition event as a celebration of Independence Day. Obviously, it did not happen. I couldn't remember what I did on that day since it wasn't significant enough. When I was in school, I really look forward to watching the competitions held. It’s because no classes that day and you can wear other clothes other than the uniform. My favorite competition is “Tug of War”. I don’t know why, but it’s just fun to have your whole classmates joining the game (see, it’s one of the good things going to offline school. Refer to my previous post to know why, here). It's been a long time since I ever participated in those kinds of competitions. Since I entered university, I didn't get any chance to join. Thinking back, it was such a good old day. 

As I grew up, I started to learn the essentials of those competitions. It was meant to picture and implement the five principles of Indonesia called, Pancasila. It consisted of: Belief in God, Humanitarianism, the Unity of Indonesia, Democracy, and Social Justice ( I think Indonesia has a great principle but rarely implemented in our daily life. What makes it different from the other country is principle number four. The literal translation is "citizenship that is lead through wisdom in representative deliberation". This means that every decision should be discussed and approved by everyone. But, there are several reasons why it doesn't apply as we pictured such as lack of knowledge (not every citizen learns about this) or the higher-ups make it complicated when it can be simple. But, well, in reality, we couldn’t really live according to our vision or what we dream of. So, I guess the governments try to make guidelines that will be helpful to achieve the principles. But, unfortunately not every citizen understands and follows the guidelines.

Well, in this post I’m not going to discuss the principles Indonesia has. It is a quite sensitive topic and I’m not in the capacity to argue or makes critic of it. I wanted to reflect those principles in daily life among Indonesian, including me as well.

There is one quote from the first President of Indonesia, Soekarno that can be found every time around Independence Day or National Heroes Day: 

“My fight is easier because I fought to chase away colonizer. But, yours will be harder because you have to fight your own people”. 

What he said is so true because lately there are lots of debates among Indonesian. Well, actually debating is a good thing if the purpose is to empower each party. But, what is happening, in reality, was debate is to show-off. Show-off skills, information, and many more. Sometimes, I saw the debate is not even worth fighting for. I don’t know why, but as I got older, I became less care about nationalism, government, politics, whatever it is, apathetic.

During the pandemic, each country characteristic and abilities can be seen by how each country handle it. Well, there is no perfect country in this world, since there is no one is perfect. Since a country is ruled by somebody and that body is not perfect either, so there will be no perfect country. But at least, every country should strive to be better each day. What I feel right now is Indonesia’s progress seems to be stagnant. Is it because I live inside the country? You know that you know too much detail, you became too critical and hate the fact of it? Or it is true that we are going nowhere? I still couldn't find the answer yet. Maybe we have reached the comfort zone, where everything seems to be its’ place, while it isn’t. The way I see about Indonesia and you who are not living here might be different. Same as I see the other countries because I don't live there.

I look up the word “independence”, it is not influenced or controlled by others in matters of opinion, conduct, etc.; thinking or acting for oneself ( Yes, we are not controlled by other countries or nations, but we are still influenced by others. I don’t see Indonesia as a really independent country. Well, every country in this world is connected and need support from each other. So, I don’t think the word independent suits well with the current situation, especially when the world right now faces the same problem. This is the influencing era, where most of our opinions and thoughts are influenced by others. No matter who and where you are.

As we shifting from era to era, we are actually building a relationship, connecting one to the other. Internet is the best example. Yes, every country is sovereign of its own, but also we still need each other. Being dependent is not always a bad thing, it’s just don’t make them took over you. We should be responsible for our own, but asking others to help and receive their help is not considered as being weak. It is proof that we know our capability and it makes us stronger and had a great attitude to be able to admit our weaknesses. It is the path that we should be taking to be a victorious country.

What I see and think about Indonesia is, we are not able to stand alone by ourselves but acted like we are already one. Compared to other countries, Indonesia is like a teenager going through the adolescent period. I find the number 75 as a big number, but still strong enough to try out new challenges and get better each day. So, Indonesia are you ready for new challenges to change this country to have a better quality of life for everyone? I repeat. Everyone. From the south to north, west to east, even to the one in rural areas.

Dear our (and also around the world) government parliaments, please don’t turn a blind eye to those people. They might not be able to pay the taxes (so you might not get benefits from them), but they have rights to have it. Instead of acting like you have achieved many things, please relearn our basic principles and restructure them accordingly. You won’t be able to fit everyone's cups of tea, but at least make it fair and reasonable.

The bottom line is every country has the right to stay for what they believed in, but it doesn’t mean have to shoo away other country acting as if they are the right one. Every country has its’ own pace and doesn't compare one to another. It’s okay to depend on another country, but do not let them take over the steer. As a citizen, it’s the right thing to voice your opinion, but always to think not only about yourself but also the others that are not like you. Remember all the principles by heart and implement them according to the guidelines. It’s not easy to be an obedient citizen since we already do the judging that the government going to spend our money for themselves. But have faith, since they will be responsible for their actions and God definitely has a plan for everything. Recently, I’m reading “Judges” from the Bible and it taught me that it’s not easy to lead a nation. God had provided all the 10 Commandments, but when the leader leaves them for a while, they started to do the bad things. So, what we need to do is to build trust with each other. Definitely, there will be thousands of people who opposed to your opinions or actions but let’s try to believe that everything will work out. Just be patient. Know your own capability (yes I’m talking to you Indonesia). It doesn’t mean that we are incompetent, but please know our strengths and weakness and then we can know how to act. And the most important thing is, think before act. This kind of bad habit is what makes Indonesia looks like a fool and get into trouble.

There are 4 more upcoming posts and I will see you there. Thank you for reading all the way to this part. This topic isn't my forte, but I tried my best and I would like to sharpen my critical skills that have been hibernating for a while now. Hope this post helps you to get the insights of celebrating National Days or Independence Days and be a good citizen. See ya!


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