Wednesday, December 28, 2016

VISIT INDONESIA: One Day Trip to Ocean Dream Samudra

Hello all! I’m sorry for MIA for a quite sometime, but I’ve been so busy with school lately. But now, my 3-weeks holiday have just started. So, I’ll be posting some post that I’ve postponed (somehow its rhyming, lol).

So, last May (yes it’s been a longggg time) I went to Ocean Dream Samudra in Ancol. Actually, this place was called Gelanggang Samudra, but they changed their name since…. I don’t know. This place is meant for animal shows. There are Dolphins, Honey Bear, Beaver, Birds, Monkeys, etc. Well, for some of you who never been to Jakarta before, Ancol is a recreation place in Jakarta. It has the same concept with Sentosa Island, Singapore; Genting, Malaysia, etc. In this area, there are few attractions you can visit such as, Dufan, it is a theme park in Jakarta; Sea World, a big aquarium; Atlantis, waterpark; Sea, beach clubs; and lastly Ocean Dream Samudra.

Inside, you can watch several animal performances, few rides, mini garden, 4D theater and action performances. But, the main highlight is the animal performances. They have schedule for each shows, shown below. If you want to go here, better check their schedule so you can watch every performances. The tickets to enter here is 95,000 rupiah on weekdays and 160,000 rupiah on weekends. More ticket prices info you can find it here. Well, for what kind of performances they shown can be seen on my travel diary video on YouTube, which you can find it here.

Despite the “cleverness” of each animal that entertained us, it has some negative sides. The reason I create this post and video is to create awareness. Actually, I’m not an animal lover. I’m not fond with animals, even the one categorized as pets. But, I care about this earth, and animals are one component in the ecosystem we lived inside. These types of performance have several dilemmas. First, the animals didn’t live in their real environment. Places like this, create an environment similar with their environment using some man-made components. Their meals are also given, so they couldn’t find their own food. It will affect their food-hunting and survivor skills, also their diets. I’m also not fully assured that they are taken care properly or not.

But on the other side, children these days can get away from electronic devices and connect with the animals they saw from books or videos in real life. Not only for entertaining, but it create education in a fun ways.

Well, I’m still not sure which side should I take, but lets not making it worse. Hopefully, the companies who have the same business as Ocean Dream Samudra, have a good consideration on managing it. Not thinking for the profit, but also the animals. We, as the viewer also need to be considerate. Don’t litter the place; don’t give any foods to the animals without permission or giving strange food. Just enjoy the show. If you are capable, you can travel to their real habitat and interact with them directly.

Thank you so much for reading this blog post. Hopefully, you are aware and care about the animals wherever you live. Have a nice day!

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